The person who fills out this form

    The Offer

    What is the offer of the unit?
    What are the most important features of the unit or offer to focus on?
    Type of The Property ?
    What is the level of finishing ?
    The Authorized License ?
    The Location Address
    The Location URL on Google Maps

    The interior Unit sections

    How many Units are available for sale?
    Unit Area in Square Meters (m² )
    Number of Bedrooms:
    Number of Bathrooms:
    included Equipment?
    included Services and Amenities?

    Prices, Payment Facilities, and The Handover

    Unit price (QR)
    Down Payment (QR)
    Number of installments:
    Date of handover:

    The Campaigns Details

    Type of campaigns
    Which Platforms do you suggest for advertising?
    What is the suggested period of the campaigns?
    What's the suggested total budget for campaigns (QR)

    The main communication data in the advertisement

    Hotline / Main line:
    Land line Phone Number:
    a web page URL with the details of the unit

    The Attachments

    Attach the available photos for Property/Unit from outside and inside and the Ameneties

    Please compile all the images in a folder, and then compress this folder with a .zip or .rar extension that only allows .zip and .rar files, the maximum file size limit is 25MB

    (optional) the web URL of the available photos for Property/Unit from outside and inside and the Ameneties

    Optional, you can upload all of the project images and files to any web drive. ex. WeTransfer or Google Drive and then write the shared link here

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